Hereville in the Huffington Post!
There’s an article about Hereville in the Huffington Post!
This is the article Bob Smietana of the Religion News Service wrote. Very cool!
Here’s a bit from the article:
Ten-year-old Shira Acklin from the Temple, a Reform Jewish congregation in Nashville, agrees. She’s a fan of the Harry Potter books, and is also a big fan of Mirka.
“I like that the girl is the star — her brother is there but he’s not the star. She is,” Acklin said.
Adventure stories like Mirka’s are rare among Jewish kids’ books, said Heidi Estrin, library director at Congregation B’nai Israel, in Boca Raton, Fla.
Many Jewish books for kids focus on serious topics, like anti-Semitism, or teaching religious topics. If the books include humor, said Estrin, it’s often aimed at parents, not kids.
Not so with Hereville.
“It’s lighthearted in a way that kids can relate to,” said Estrin, who runs The Book of Life, a podcast about Jewish books. “The plot had nothing to do with prejudice — it’s about a girl who wants to fight dragons.”
Read the rest at Huffpo. Thanks, Bob!
(Oh, and if you’re interested in buying a copy of Hereville, the info is here.)
P.S. Check out the comments for a mini-debate between about if an atheist should be writing a religious protagonist.
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