Help Rachel Fix Her Wonky Mouth: Bid On A Sketchbook of Crows And Teeth!
Cartoonist Rachel Nabors needs jaw surgery (ouch!). To help pay for this (the surgery alone costs $18,500, not including the hospital charges), a sketchbook that I and many other cartoonists contributed to is being auctioned on ebay this week.
The cartoonists in the book include Bryan Lee O’Mailley, Raina Telgemeier, Andy Runton, Hope Larson, Jenn Lee, Dylan Meconis, Jake Richmond (who also colored the Hereville graphic novel), Brendan Douglas Jones, Derek Kirk Kim, Bill Mudron, Steve Lieber, and many more.
Here’s what I sketched in the book:
You can also contribute directly to Rachel’s medical fund — a “donate” button can be found here.
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