Photos Of Premiereville! Including the first Hereville Cosplayers!

On November 6, 2010 · 16 Comments

The Hereville premiere at Powell’s — or “Premiereville,” as Sara Ryan dubbed it on twitter — went very well. Almost 40 people came (which the Powell’s employees told me was very good for a first-time author), people seemed to enjoy the slideshow, and happily my head did not explode at any point during the proceedings.

Jennifer Frederick and Dan Pooley were nice enough to take photos, which Jenn has posted on Facebook. Here are some of the pictures!

Here I am, talking to a whole bunch of people. Notice, again, that my head has not exploded. This was a matter of some concern before the event.

Being very lazy, I asked a few of my friends to play parts during the reading portion of the show. (It’s hard to see in this photo, but panels were being projected on screen to go with the reading). Sydney (nearly 7 years old) read Zindel’s lines, Jenn (aka Bean, somewhat over 7 years old) read Gittel’s lines, and Flora, who volunteered from the audience to read Rochel’s lines (9 years old). Not in this photo: Brad Rosman (wise beyond his years) read the part of the pig with panache, and I (barely 18 years old! Really!) read Mirka’s lines. All the guest readers did a great job!

Sydney prepared for the reading by memorizing all her lines! We were all very impressed. She also contributed a crackerjack impression of a squeaking gate. Flora did a wonderful job reading, and only stumbled over one word, “gentile.” Her mom quipped from the audience “she’s never heard that word before because we’re Jewish.”

More pics — including photos of the cosplayers — after the jump!

Me! You can tell this was a special occasion because I mugged a fat guy and stole his blazer.

The audience! Suave and kindly souls, every last one of them.

Cosplayers! Can you believe it? Can you believe what a lucky cartoonist I am? Sydney, on the left, is dressed as Zindel (naturally), while her sister Maddox (5 years old) is dressed as Mirka.

And another shot of my friend Maddox as Mirka.

Thanks to everyone who came, everyone who retweeted or otherwise told folks about this event, everyone who read, everyone at Powell’s, everyone who sent well-wishes, and basically, you know, everyone.

Under Appearances

16 Responses to “Photos Of Premiereville! Including the first Hereville Cosplayers!”

  1. Congratulations! Looks like a good time was had.

  2. Congratulations! Looks like a good time was had.

  3. Asher Abrams says:

    Barry, thanks for sharing these fabulous photos.

  4. Asher Abrams says:

    Barry, thanks for sharing these fabulous photos.

  5. […] Hereville premiere at Powell’s was a fun time for all, I think. There’s a report and photos on […]

  6. […] Hereville premiere at Powell’s was a fun time for all, I think. There’s a report and photos on […]

  7. bean says:

    The other reader’s name was Flora.

  8. bean says:

    The other reader’s name was Flora.

  9. Barry says:

    Thanks! I’ve updated the post.

  10. Barry says:

    Thanks! I’ve updated the post.

  11. […] Today, I’ll link to a series of four (!) articles by Christian Lipski in The Portland Examiner. First, there’s Christian’s detailed report of the Premiereville event at Powell’s on Hawthorne. (I posted some photos of the event here.) […]

  12. […] Today, I’ll link to a series of four (!) articles by Christian Lipski in The Portland Examiner. First, there’s Christian’s detailed report of the Premiereville event at Powell’s on Hawthorne. (I posted some photos of the event here.) […]

  13. Robin Allison says:

    Very jealous reading about all these events since I’m on the wrong coast 🙂 This looked like great fun… I’ve been impatiently pacing waiting on my copy of Hereville from you, or the one I ordered from Amazon as a gift,to show up here…. I’m going to read the Amazon copy (carefully) if it gets here first and just not tell the recipients!
    I’m very glad your head didnt explode,since it would mean I couldn’t impatiently await Mirka’s further adventures.

  14. Robin Allison says:

    Very jealous reading about all these events since I’m on the wrong coast 🙂 This looked like great fun… I’ve been impatiently pacing waiting on my copy of Hereville from you, or the one I ordered from Amazon as a gift,to show up here…. I’m going to read the Amazon copy (carefully) if it gets here first and just not tell the recipients!
    I’m very glad your head didnt explode,since it would mean I couldn’t impatiently await Mirka’s further adventures.

  15. Barry says:

    Thanks, Robin!

    I hope the book doesn’t take too long to arrive… I’m so frustrated with how long some of the books are taking, I recently raised the shipping costs by two dollars so I could start sending out all the domestic orders priority mail instead of media mail. Unfortunately, your order was just before I did that, I think. 🙁

    I think I’ll probably be doing an event in New York, but I don’t have any planned events near you, alas. There’s SPX in Maryland, but that might be too far away…

  16. Barry says:

    Thanks, Robin!

    I hope the book doesn’t take too long to arrive… I’m so frustrated with how long some of the books are taking, I recently raised the shipping costs by two dollars so I could start sending out all the domestic orders priority mail instead of media mail. Unfortunately, your order was just before I did that, I think. 🙁

    I think I’ll probably be doing an event in New York, but I don’t have any planned events near you, alas. There’s SPX in Maryland, but that might be too far away…

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