“How Mirka Got Her Sword,” page 57

On December 17, 2008 · 10 Comments


Took a long time to draw this page, too.

Next week: The front cover. (I know everyone’s already seen it in tiny form, but hopefully it’ll be nicer seeing it big.)

10 Responses to ““How Mirka Got Her Sword,” page 57”

  1. kakodaimon says:

    Oh man, gorgeous.

  2. kakodaimon says:

    Oh man, gorgeous.

  3. Falstaff says:

    That’s just beautiful. What a wonderful story.

    Things I especially liked:

    * Your dialogue is first-rate. Not that I’m surprised, having been a longtime fan of your cartoons and your writing generally, but you do good work here.

    * I don’t usually like anything other than photorealistic or near-photorealistic art, but for some reason yours really does it for me. (This last page give me Great Joy, as you might imagine.)

    * I love the design of the troll. What a wonderful idea, making the monster out of anti-Semitic clichés!

    * Mirka is such a wonderful character, but I like pretty much everyone who’s been introduced so far. (Well, except for the punk teenagers. The witch made me uncomfortable, but so far she hasn’t, I think, lied as such. Hm.)

    * I’m really looking forward to meeting the rest of Mirka’s family, especially her father and her sisters. You’ve done such a great job rendering Zindel, Fruma, and Mirka herself that I’m excited to see who else this family includes.

  4. Falstaff says:

    That’s just beautiful. What a wonderful story.

    Things I especially liked:

    * Your dialogue is first-rate. Not that I’m surprised, having been a longtime fan of your cartoons and your writing generally, but you do good work here.

    * I don’t usually like anything other than photorealistic or near-photorealistic art, but for some reason yours really does it for me. (This last page give me Great Joy, as you might imagine.)

    * I love the design of the troll. What a wonderful idea, making the monster out of anti-Semitic clichés!

    * Mirka is such a wonderful character, but I like pretty much everyone who’s been introduced so far. (Well, except for the punk teenagers. The witch made me uncomfortable, but so far she hasn’t, I think, lied as such. Hm.)

    * I’m really looking forward to meeting the rest of Mirka’s family, especially her father and her sisters. You’ve done such a great job rendering Zindel, Fruma, and Mirka herself that I’m excited to see who else this family includes.

  5. […] folktale and a fantasy novel, the story has been unfolding on Wednesdays over the last year. Today, with the posting of page 57, the story draws to a close. In between, the story was published in hardcopy, sold to a major […]

  6. […] folktale and a fantasy novel, the story has been unfolding on Wednesdays over the last year. Today, with the posting of page 57, the story draws to a close. In between, the story was published in hardcopy, sold to a major […]

  7. […] story (all 57 pages of it) is now available for online reading. The final page is posted here, and the first page is […]

  8. […] story (all 57 pages of it) is now available for online reading. The final page is posted here, and the first page is […]

  9. Wes says:

    Great comic, you leave me wanting more. I can’t wait to see what she does with her sword!

  10. Wes says:

    Great comic, you leave me wanting more. I can’t wait to see what she does with her sword!

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