“How Mirka Got Her Sword,” Page 27

On May 21, 2008 · 6 Comments

I may have overdone panel 3, but gosh it was fun to draw. 🙂 That panel — and really this entire sequence — was very influenced by Dave Sim’s comic book “Cerebus,” and in particular “Church and State.”

6 Responses to ““How Mirka Got Her Sword,” Page 27”

  1. Lauren says:

    This is a great comic. I love it. (Discovered by Wasted Talent’s nice review).

    As a Sephardic Jew, the world of this comic is familiar, yet foreign. I kind of understand how you, as a non religious artist, has to go through – you’re learning new things every time.

    I love fantasy, and to see this put into the familiar Orthadox world, well, it totally mixes up your perception.

    Once again, this is amazing work, and I am going to recommend this comic to my friends.

  2. Lauren says:

    This is a great comic. I love it. (Discovered by Wasted Talent’s nice review).

    As a Sephardic Jew, the world of this comic is familiar, yet foreign. I kind of understand how you, as a non religious artist, has to go through – you’re learning new things every time.

    I love fantasy, and to see this put into the familiar Orthadox world, well, it totally mixes up your perception.

    Once again, this is amazing work, and I am going to recommend this comic to my friends.

  3. Yochva says:

    The third panel made me think of the dream again, her face seems to be all distorted. Where’s her bat?

  4. Yochva says:

    The third panel made me think of the dream again, her face seems to be all distorted. Where’s her bat?

  5. Barry says:

    Thanks so much, Lauren! I’m glad you’re enjoying it, and please do recommend it — that’s the best sort of praise!

    Yochva, she put her bat down — you can see it in the background of panel five. But I probably should have made that clearer.

  6. Barry says:

    Thanks so much, Lauren! I’m glad you’re enjoying it, and please do recommend it — that’s the best sort of praise!

    Yochva, she put her bat down — you can see it in the background of panel five. But I probably should have made that clearer.

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