“How Mirka Got Her Sword,” Page 23

On April 23, 2008 · 18 Comments

18 Responses to ““How Mirka Got Her Sword,” Page 23”

  1. Yochva says:

    Well, I was sufficiently startled, I think! My second reaction was to step back, take a good long look at it and say, “Is it real, or a dream? Hmmm…” Mirkale’s got some good reflexes! ^_^

  2. Yochva says:

    Well, I was sufficiently startled, I think! My second reaction was to step back, take a good long look at it and say, “Is it real, or a dream? Hmmm…” Mirkale’s got some good reflexes! ^_^

  3. Niiiiiice surprise turn there. Never thought the troll would come to her.

  4. Niiiiiice surprise turn there. Never thought the troll would come to her.

  5. Thene says:

    Damn, that troll scared me. Poor Mirka!

  6. Thene says:

    Damn, that troll scared me. Poor Mirka!

  7. Black Cat Godess says:

    O.o Holy smoof! That’s a very angry looking troll. Or maybe it’s the teeth and the too many eyes. Anyway, that’s not something I’d want to see when I’m trying to go to sleep! Hmm, on another look he doesn’t have enough toes and has too many fingers. Well done on making this troll look human enough to be recognizable, yet inhuman enough to still remain int he uncanny valley and still not being something I wanna see when I’m going to sleep.

    Now why can’t next Wednesday come sooner? ^^ I must get my hands on that book so I no longer have to wait! I should also be able to get my mom to read it, that way.

  8. Black Cat Godess says:

    O.o Holy smoof! That’s a very angry looking troll. Or maybe it’s the teeth and the too many eyes. Anyway, that’s not something I’d want to see when I’m trying to go to sleep! Hmm, on another look he doesn’t have enough toes and has too many fingers. Well done on making this troll look human enough to be recognizable, yet inhuman enough to still remain int he uncanny valley and still not being something I wanna see when I’m going to sleep.

    Now why can’t next Wednesday come sooner? ^^ I must get my hands on that book so I no longer have to wait! I should also be able to get my mom to read it, that way.

  9. I must admit, that troll scared me as well! Then I myself got to wondering, if it is dream or real. For one thing, the troll “looks” more Jewish, than Scandanavian, which would make perfect sense if Mirka were dreaming, as her mind would paint images familiar to her. I’m going to go with the dream theory for now.

  10. I must admit, that troll scared me as well! Then I myself got to wondering, if it is dream or real. For one thing, the troll “looks” more Jewish, than Scandanavian, which would make perfect sense if Mirka were dreaming, as her mind would paint images familiar to her. I’m going to go with the dream theory for now.

  11. Mirkalicious says:

    i am leaning towards the not-a-dream hypothesis for now.April 24 = my birthday :3

  12. Mirkalicious says:

    i am leaning towards the not-a-dream hypothesis for now.April 24 = my birthday :3

  13. Mirkalicious says:

    *<:-)~* <-person+blower

  14. Mirkalicious says:

    *<:-)~* <-person+blower

  15. lemur says:

    I am officially hooked. Now I have another awesume comic to read with a strong female protaganist!

  16. lemur says:

    I am officially hooked. Now I have another awesume comic to read with a strong female protaganist!

  17. Sarah says:

    Ha, ha, ha! I don’t think she was expecting him to actually come looking for her.

  18. Sarah says:

    Ha, ha, ha! I don’t think she was expecting him to actually come looking for her.

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